Jul 27, 2024  
Mansfield University 2012-2013 Graduate Catalog 
Mansfield University 2012-2013 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Policies and Information

Academic Dismissal Policy

A graduate student who receives a grade of F in a course is automatically dismissed from the University. A student whose cumulative GPA (grade point average) is below 3.0 at the end of any semester is placed on academic probation until the GPA rises to a minimum of 3.0. Failure to achieve the minimum GPA within one academic year will result in dismissal from the University. If there is an extraordinary reason for which the student believes he/she should be reinstated, the student may appeal to the Office of the Associate Provost and Dean of Education, Professional & Graduate Studies.

Probationary status does not mean that a student is dismissed from the University. It means that the student is not currently meeting the standards required for graduation and that corrective action is required. A student on probation will receive a letter from the University about the probationary status.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to do their own academic work. Dishonesty in academic work, including cheating, academic misconduct, fabrication, or plagiarism, is unacceptable. Faculty are expected to instruct students of the University Policies pertaining to academic integrity. Faculty also are responsible for assessing and reporting all charges of academic dishonesty to the Office of the Provost. The link labeled Academic Integrity Policy (see http://mansfield.edu/academic-affairs/resources-for-faculty/forms-and-procedures) outlines the procedures faculty will use to initiate disciplinary action in cases of academic dishonesty.

Faculty are responsible for informing students of course evaluation criteria, for adherence to the stated criteria, and for determining grades in a fair and equitable manner. If a student alleges that a faculty member has discharged professional duties in an improper, arbitrary, discriminatory, or otherwise unjustified manner, complaints are considered by the procedures outlined in the link labeled Due Process/Appeals (see http://mansfield.edu/academic-affairs/resources-for-faculty/forms-and-procedures).

Academic Standing

Good academic standing at the graduate level is defined as a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.


Mansfield University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (267-284-5000) The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

The professional education unit at Mansfield University (MU) is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).  NCATE is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as “a professional accrediting body for teacher preparation” (see http://www.ncate.org/Public/AboutNCATE/tabid/179/Default.aspx). Selected MU programs that prepare teachers and other educational professionals at the initial or advanced levels are nationally recognized by specialized professional associations (SPAs), which are member organizations of NCATE.  For a current listing of specific Mansfield University nationally recognized SPAs, please consult the NCATE listing at http://www.ncate.org/tabid/178/Default.aspx?state=PA@CO_ID=10753. The contact information for NCATE is:

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
2010 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: (202) 466-7496
Fax: (202) 296-6620
General e-mail: ncate@ncate.org

Other accreditations or recognitions of professional programs are identified in the section of the catalog that describes each program.

ACT 48

ACT 48 of 1999 requires persons holding Pennsylvania professional educator certification to complete continuing education requirements every five years in order to maintain active certificates. Pennsylvania certified teachers wishing to use credit course work at Mansfield University to meet the ACT 48 requirement should log on to the following website: https://www.edulinkinc.com/act48Provider/default.asp click on the “Professional Educator” link, create an account, enter the course(s) information and submit. Some non-credit courses and workshops offered by Mansfield University may also be eligible for ACT 48 credit. Attendees also should use the Edulink site to submit course completion for Mansfield University approval. 

Teachers are responsible for selecting courses pertaining to their areas of certification or teaching assignments. Program advisors are available to assist with this course selection process.

For additional information, contact the Registrar’s Office, (570) 662-4874.  

Add or Drop a Course

A graduate student may ADD a course during the first seven calendar days of a semester and DROP a course during the first six calendar days of a semester using WebAdvisor. If the course is full or creates a conflict with the graduate student’s schedule, they may use an Add card available at the Registrar’s Office, 224 South Hall. The class instructor must sign all add cards. For online courses, please contact the instructor to initiate the approval process. The instructor should confirm this approval by forwarding an email to the Registrar’s office

Application for Graduation

No later than one year prior to the intended date of graduation, the graduate student should complete an Application for Graduation online via WebAdvisor.


If a graduate student is interested in auditing a course (participating in a class, but receiving no grade or credit for it) , then a completed registration form and audit card for the course work is required. These forms are available at the Registrar’s Office (matriculating students). Cost of auditing is $50 per course. Permission from the instructor must be received to audit any course. Please note that applied courses in Art, Music, Nursing, and School Library and Information Technology (online, laboratory or studio) courses may not be audited. Exceptions to this policy may be petitioned to the appropriate Associate Provost/Dean for review. Audited courses do not count toward graduate requirements.


The Campus Bookstore is operated by College Community Services, Inc. The store is open from 8 AM to 4 PM Monday - Friday and 11 AM to 2 PM on Saturdays during the fall and spring semesters. During the summer sessions, the store is open 8 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday. Also, during the first week of classes, the store is open extended hours, as posted, to aid students in purchasing textbooks, dorm supplies, health and beauty aids, class supplies, clothing, etc. The bookstore is located on the main floor of the Alumni Hall Student Center. Textbooks are located on the upper level of the store while supplies, clothing, MU logo items, stationary, health and beauty aids, etc., are all found on the lower level. Reserve your books online at http://mansfieldbookstore.com and have the first chance at used textbooks.

Career Center

The Career Center Mission is to provide students and alumni the best possible career development opportunities to cultivate the leadership tools to prepare for effective, successful, and satisfying life-work.

The Career Center provides students and alumni with a wide range of services, including career exploration and development, career interest inventories, resume and cover letter writing and critique, job search techniques, practice interview sessions, on-campus recruitment interviews and career fairs. A career library of websites, printed, and software-based information  covering career options, employer organizations, employment trends, internships, job listings, and graduate/professional schools is maintained through the Career Center. Job and internship opportunities are posted electronically through the Career Center using CollegeCentral Network©, an online job board utilized by all 14 PASSHE University Career Centers. Current students and alumni can register for this free service at http://www.collegecentral.com/mansfield.  The Career Center sponsors several workshops and special events throughout the academic year.

The Career Center administers testing services for Mansfield University and the general public, including CLEP (College-Level Examination Program), DSST (Dantes Subject Standardized Tests), MAT (Miller Analogies Test), and test proctoring.

The Career Center is located on the Ground Floor of Alumni Hall or may be contacted at (570) 662-4133 or careers@mansfield.edu.  For more resources, information about the Career Center and our calendar of events, please visit us on the web at http://career.mansfield.edu/.

Community Relations

The staff in the Alumni and Community Relations department is available to arrange your facility usage and conference needs. To schedule an event and/or conference, contact Ms. Lindsey Sikorski at 570-662-4808 or by email at lsikorsk@mansfield.edu.

In addition to Mansfield University classroom and auditorium space, the facilities in the Technology Outreach Center (TOC) are available for area businesses and organizations to conduct training sessions or meetings. The TOC is a state-of-the-art facility which has multiple hi-tech computer labs, videoconferencing equipment, satellite downlink equipment, and multi-point bridging capabilities available. On campus space also can be reserved by educational institutions or organizations for  academic programs, workshops, or training sessions.

A wide variety of academic camps are offered on campus each summer. To browse our camp options, please visit http://mansfield.edu/camps.  Camps are offered as day and/or residential programs.

Continuing Enrollment Course Procedure

A graduate student not registering for credit bearing course(s), who wishes to remain active in a program, may enroll at no cost in ED-5600 Continuous Enrollment. A maximum of two consecutive semesters of enrollment in ED 5600 is permitted.

Graduate students will be eligible to enroll in the continuous enrollment course during the registration and add/drop periods. Graduate students who fail to enroll will be classified as No Shows or Abandons and will become inactive in the student system. Students in an inactive status must reapply for admission utilizing the online  application and if readmitted will be admitted under the current graduate catalog year.


Tuition and fees are set after the catalog is printed. Most current information can be found on the website at http://esd.mansfield.edu/student-accounts/.  

Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center provides free counseling services to university students and staff. The Center’s primary purpose is to help students and staff grow in a positive and productive direction. The Center assists students and staff in understanding themselves, their feelings and emotions, their personal problem areas, and educational opportunities and concerns.  For additional information, please contact (570) 662-4695, 144 South Hall.

Course Load/Time Limit

A normal academic course load (full-time student) is defined as nine (9) to 15 credit hours a semester. A maximum of 12 credits may be taken during the summer. Students who wish to schedule more than the maximum must submit a petition to the office of the Associate Provost and Dean of Education, Professional & Graduate Studies. The following degree programs, Education, Music, School Library and Information Technology and Special Education, are to be completed within a maximum of seven years.  The Master of Science in Nursing has a five-year time limitation.

Culminating Requirements

Each degree requires a culminating experience at the end of the master’s degree process (e.g., Capstone Course, Recital, Exhibition, Departmental Paper, Thesis, or Orals). The nature of the final requirement should be discussed with the program advisor early in the graduate program.

Degree Requirements

To graduate from Mansfield University with a master’s degree, a graduate student should meet the following requirements:

  1. Earn the total number of credits determined by your department (30-36) credits.
  2. Earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA).
  3. Complete ALL course work with a C - grade or better.
  4. Satisfactorily complete any capstone course, creative project, research or thesis, comprehensive exam, or graduate music recital required as a culminating project.
  5. Submit an Application for Graduation via WebAdvisor no later than one year prior to intended graduation date.
  6. Complete any additional requirements necessary because of deficiencies identified in audition or entry, or because the student has chosen to add one or more teaching certifications to the master’s degree.

Due Process/Appeals

Procedures can be found at the following link: http://mansfield.edu/academic-affairs/resources-for-faculty/forms-and-procedures/.

Email Accounts

All registered graduate students will receive a Mansfield University email account. Graduate students must use this account when corresponding with University faculty and staff.

Graduate Academic Year Definition

Mansfield University’s academic year is a period that contains 30 weeks of instructional time during which a full-time student is expected to complete at least 18 credit hours. The academic year is further described as a Scheduled Academic Year (SAY) that starts at the beginning of fall semester and ends on the last day of the spring semester. The summer sessions are designated as “trailer” terms which follow the SAY. On an individual basis, a student’s academic year can be changed to a Borrower-Based Academic Year (BBAY) when determining financial aid eligibility. A BBAY is not fixed period of calendar time; instead the beginning and ending dates depend on the student’s enrollment and progress. The BBAY does not end until the student has completed the number of weeks and the number of hours in the academic year.

Grading System

A written syllabus, which includes the criteria for academic evaluation, is provided by instructors prior to the end of the first week of class. Mansfield University uses a 4-point grading scale, as shown below, to evaluate academic performance.

  Grades   Quality Points  












The following designations may be used in addition to the grades shown above:
Satisfactory (C- grade or better)
Withdrawal from a course after the drop period

The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credit hours of work attempted. The cumulative GPA is the index by which a student’s academic standing is judged.

Graduate Courses - What is a Graduate Course?

The following criteria capture features of Mansfield University’s graduate courses. These criteria are reflected by course syllabi and course requirements.

  1. Course content is offered at advanced levels of depth and understanding.
  2. Course topics are supported by a significant body of professional literature and, except in emerging areas of inquiry, include a significant theoretical and research base for course content.
  3. Reading and reflection support graduate learning. Therefore, graduate courses include time for graduate students to read course-related materials and to reflect on what they are learning.
  4. Graduate students develop professional and scholarly beliefs and opinions that can be articulated and substantiated with support from professional and scientific literature.
  5. Courses provide significant opportunities for graduate students to interact with the course instructor and with other graduate students enrolled in the course. In distance education situations, face-to-face interactions between instructor and students are encouraged to the degree that they are possible.
  6. Graduate courses at Mansfield University reflect diversity as related to culture, ethnic groups, gender, age and value systems.
  7. Graduate courses offered in cross-listed arrangements with undergraduate courses have syllabi and course proposal forms that clearly identify graduate: a) assignments, b) evaluation methods, and c) experiences.

Harassment and Nondiscrimination Policy

It is the policy of Mansfield University to ensure a work, educational and residential environment dedicated to the ideals of equity, justice, and fairness; that is free of unlawful harassment and/or discrimination or the denial of equal employment opportunity because of race, color, religion, disability, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, veteran status, political affiliation or sexual orientation, including sexual harassment. In accordance with state and federal laws including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 1604 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 and 11375, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and all other applicable legislation, Mansfield University prohibits and will not tolerate unlawful harassment and/or discrimination on the basis of an individual’s race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, veterans status, political affiliation or other factors.

Mansfield University is responsible for educating all of its students, faculty and staff about what constitutes unlawful harassment and discrimination because they diminish the value of human dignity and are contrary to Mansfield’s policy of respecting all individuals regardless of belief or status; and what steps will be taken to resolve complaints.

Conduct will be deemed harassing and/or discriminatory in accordance with and as defined in applicable state and federal statutes and case law decisions.

Discrimination - A behavior, action or practice that results in an allegation of different treatment, whether intended or unintended, based on age, color, disability, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, political status, or ethnicity. Discrimination may also occur when a requirement, qualification or factor which, taken at face, is not discriminatory on the basis of the protected groups but which results in the exclusion or restriction of a protected group.

Harassment - Behavior intended to harass, annoy, or alarm another person that can include but not be limited to: strikes, shoves, kicks or other forms of physical contact, including threats to do the same; stalking or repeatedly following a person in or about a public place or places; engaging in a course of conduct or repeatedly committing acts that have no legitimate purpose, which harm or seriously annoy another person.

Racial Harassment - Verbal or physical conduct that is directed at an individual because of his/her race, color, national origin, ancestry or ethnicity, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive and has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or educational environment, which unreasonably interferes with work or educational performance, or negatively affects an individual’s employment or educational opportunities.

Disability Harassment - Verbal or physical conduct that is directed at an individual because of his/her disabling mental or physical condition that is sufficiently severe or pervasive and has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or educational environment, which unreasonably interferes with work or educational performance, or negatively affects an individual’s employment or educational opportunities. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides that “no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of her/his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal assistance.” Mansfield University is committed to making reasonable accommodations so that students with disabilities are able to fulfill academic requirements.

Sexual Harassment - Unwelcome gender related behavior, including unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made either by an explicit or implicit term or condition of an individual’s employment or education; submission to, or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment or academic decisions affecting such individuals; or such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working, education or living environment. The U. S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights further defines sexual harassment as verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, imposed on the basis of sex, by an employee or agent of a recipient of federal funds that denies, limits, provides different conditions or provision of aid, benefits, services, or treatment protected under Title IX.

Assistance in implementation, dissemination and explanation of this policy may be obtained by contacting the university’s Social Equity and Multicultural Affairs Officer, Alumni Hall Room 106/107, (570) 662-4071.

Human Subject Research Policy

Research projects undertaken by Mansfield University students, staff, or faculty members must be approved prior to involvement of human subjects and the initiation of research project. The review process is intended for the protection of the human subjects and shall be the sole focus of the review.

The Mansfield University Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the final authority in determining approvals of human subjects research. To request a review of research, contact the department chairperson for a copy of the guidelines, application form, and a sample informed consent form. Submit two copies of the Request for Review of Research form and one copy of the Informed Consent form to the department chair. Depending on the nature of the research, and potential risks to subjects, the department will undertake a departmental review of the application, or forward it to the IRB Chairperson for Board review.

Copies of the IRB guidelines and forms are also available at the university web site: http://mansfield.edu/grants-development or by contacting Dr. Francis Craig, Chairperson of the IRB, South Hall. Persons undertaking human subjects research should plan to submit their applications at least 3-4 weeks prior to the proposed research project start date.

Hybrid Courses

A hybrid course is a blend of face-to-face instruction with online learning. In a hybrid course, a significant part of the course learning is online and subsequently the amount of classroom time is reduced. A course which is largely classroom based may include a combination of online or web-based components and requirements in addition to the classroom experience.

Identification Cards (One Card)

A university identification card that contains a photo (also known as “One Card”) is issued to students, faculty, and staff. All on campus graduate students must have a MU One Card. A One Card is available at the CCSI office (College Community Services, Inc.), at 203 Alumni Student Center. Regular office hours are Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.  Extended hours are available during the first two weeks of classes but vary each semester, therefore please contact the CCSI office at (570) 662-4929 for specific information.

The One Card enables the user to check out library materials and receive discounts on many cultural and entertainment productions. In addition, the card may be used for public printers and copy machines at various locations on campus, athletic events, and various campus activities. The student One Card must be carried at all times and shown to authorized personnel upon request. The One Card also serves as a meal card and can be used as a cash debit card with Mountie Money and Flex accounts. The cost of the One card is $5 for new students. Replacement cards are $15.

Graduate students enrolled in an online program will receive a letter containing their Library Access bar code. Online graduate students also have the option of receiving an actual One card by submitting a picture (equivalent to a passport/driver’s license photo) and a front/back copy of an official government ID (i.e., driver’s license, military ID), along with $5.00, to the office of One Card Administration, 136 Alumni Hall. For questions, please call 570-662-4074 or email onecard@mansifeld.edu

Incomplete (I)

A grade of I is used to denote unfinished course work because of serious mitigating circumstances beyond the student’s control. It is a privilege granted because of circumstances, not a right to be expected by the student.

The I grade is submitted by professors at their discretion on the grade report form at the end of the semester. The professor and the student will identify the specific requirements to be satisfied in order to convert the I to a letter grade. The student is responsible for the removal of an I grade by the end of the fourth week of the subsequent semester except in cases where serious circumstances prevail and a request for an extension is made by the faculty member to the Registrar’s Office. If the incomplete grade is not cleared within the allotted time period, a final grade of “F” is recorded.

Independent Study 

Independent study is available in each curricular field on a restricted basis. The appropriate curricular prefix precedes the course number 5597, and the credit hours vary from one to three. Independent study may be repeated for more than three credit hours total, but each independent study project may be for no more than three credit hours. Independent study is an activity initiated by the graduate student to increase already advanced knowledge in a particular academic discipline. The subject is examined in an intensive manner with guidance by a faculty member who has special expertise in that field.

To request approval for an independent study, prepare a contract (available online at http://esd.mansfield.edu/registrar/forms/) which then must be completed and approved by the faculty director, department chairperson and Associate Provost and Dean of Education, Professional & Graduate Studies. A request for independent study must be completed prior to the start of the semester or summer session for which the independent study is sought. Independent studies will be approved only where there is sufficient evidence that the study will advance the student’s scholarly or professional development.

All requests for independent study should be accompanied by an appropriate and scholarly proposal that has been carefully reviewed by the student and the faculty director who will supervise the independent study. The proposal should include a plan of activities to be undertaken, the “products” to be expected from the study (for example, a paper, a performance, a research report, or presentation to a departmental symposium), a timetable for the study and an estimate of the amount of effort that will be applied to the study so that the appropriate amount of credit can be assessed. Only in rare instances would more than two independent study proposals be approved as part of a graduate student’s curriculum.

Individualized Instruction 

Individualized instruction is available on a restricted basis. Ordinarily permission to take a course by individualized instruction is reserved for graduate students who are close to graduation and who have not been able to meet a degree requirement either because the course has not been available or because of some other mitigating circumstance. A graduate student’s decision to move from the Mansfield area or a conflict with another obligation, such as a job, would not normally be sufficient to justify an individualized instruction. A call to military service or a serious extended illness, on the other hand, may be viewed as sufficient mitigating circumstances. An individualized instruction would not normally be approved if there is evidence that a graduate student delayed taking a course or dropped a course earlier in their academic career and did not make a clear attempt to complete it as part of a regular schedule. In instances where there are repeated requests from a department to offer a course via individualized instruction, it would be advisable for the department to reassess their ability to support the curriculum.

A request for a course by individualized instruction (available online at http://esd.mansfield.edu/registrar/forms/), must be completed and approved by the faculty director, department chairperson, and the Associate Provost and Dean of Education, Professional & Graduate Studies. A request for individualized instruction must be completed prior to the start of the semester or summer session for which the Individualized Instruction is sought. Requests for individualized instruction should be accompanied by a detailed justification and explanation of the mitigating circumstances that require the course to be taken in this manner, a current course syllabus that outlines the material to be covered, a timetable for the instruction, and the means of assessment that will be applied to determine the grade assigned.

International Studies

Many opportunities are available for international students at Mansfield University.  International students accepted to Mansfield University are automatically considered for scholarships based on their academic achievement. An international graduate student not meeting the admission requirements below, must contact the Graduate Admissions Office http://admissions.mansfield.edu/more/international-students/ to explore provisional admission.

International Requirements for Admission

Applicants are required to send official certified copies of all academic records by postal mail to the International Admissions Coordinator in the Office of Admissions.  When possible, records should be sent directly from the academic institution attended and contained in a sealed envelope.

Applicants from countries where English is not the official language are required to submit official results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Examination, the International Language Testing System (IELTS) exam, or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).  Applicants from countries where English is the official language must submit the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). A TOEFL score of 75 on the internet-based exam, 500 on the printed exam, or 6.0 on the IELST exam indicate sufficient English proficiency.  English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are available for applicants who are not fully proficient in English.

International Admissions Process

Applicants are encouraged to submit applications and all required documentation at least three (3) months prior to the desired start date. This allows adequate time for processing the application and academic documents by the scholarship committee.  All applications/forms are available at http://admissions.mansfield.edu/more/international-students/.

Complete these steps:

  1. General Application (online)
  2. Financial Aid Application (online)
  3. Financial Statement (print & mail)


  1. Include a copy of passport ID pages. Your passport must be valid for at least six months after you enter the United States on your student visa.

Letters of Recommendation:

  1. In addition to the general application requirements, including undergraduate and graduate transcript evaluations, graduate applicants must submit two letters of recommendation.

International Transfer Students

International students who wish to transfer credit to Mansfield University are required to have all transcripts evaluated by a service such as World Academic Research Center http://www.foreigndegrees.com/ or World Education Services http://www.wes.org/application/. Credit cannot be awarded unless an evaluation service is used. 


Mansfield University provides information resources both virtually (see Library Website) and in the historic and elegant 19th century setting of North Hall. Our quality resources provide students access to information from around the world. Most of our resources are accessible regardless of your physical location.

The Library is located on the first four floors of North Hall and has several special features to promote the efficient use of information in both printed and electronic forms. The Library has been designed to highlight traditional subject strengths such as those for music and education and also to provide immediate access to electronic information via extensive computer networking. If students need help using the resources housed in the Library, there are several service points with the most comprehensive one being the Information Desk on the second floor, north wing. The personnel who staff this area will be able to help with traditional reference questions on how to use printed and electronic resources and will also provide advice on equipment problems. Other more specialized service sites are: 1) the Circulation Desk in the entrance lobby which includes the printed reserve collection, laptops and other multimedia materials and reserves are located here as well, and 2) the Microfilms/Periodicals Desk in the atrium on the third floor. Printed brochures available throughout the Library provide answers to commonly asked questions about library resources and services.

A wide range of resources and serves are available to support teaching, learning, and research for on-campus students and for distance education. Detailed information about the libraries’ collections and services is available through the home page at http://lib.mansfield.edu/ and more specifically http://mansfield.libguides.com/distance for our online population. Another important contact point is the Information Desk (Reference) Ask a Librarian or libref@mansfield.edu. Distance Education students will be mailed their library access bar code or may find this code at http://lib.mansfield.edu/faq/library-id-number-lookup/.

Library Policies

1. A Mansfield University ID card is necessary each time materials are checked out including library use only reserve items. ID cards and circulation privileges are not transferable and are intended for use only by the person in whose name the card was issued. A lost or stolen ID card should be reported immediately at the Circulation Desk.

2. General circulating materials such as books, curriculum guides, government documents, pictures, and textbooks circulate for a four-week period for students (2-week grace period). Other item loan types include:

  1. Bestsellers - two weeks (1-week grace period)
  2. Laptop Computers - library use only
  3. Media Materials - audio and videocassettes, phono discs, compact discs, and audio and video cassette players - one week (no grace period)
  4. Reserve Materials - loan periods are assigned by the professor and are as follows: library use only, one day, three days, or one week. The Library is now offering electronic reserves so you may access the materials from outside the library and from off campus. Please check with your instructor or the Circulation Desk personnel to determine if the materials you need are available electronically if you cannot verify it yourself.

3. Most items may be renewed in person (please no telephone calls) unless reserved for another patron. Renewals may be made without having the materials present if the patron has a Mansfield University ID card. Patrons also can renew library materials online. (See the Library home page for information on how renew online).

4. A patron may place a hold on any item that is in circulation except for course reserves. When the item is available, the requestor will be notified and the item will be held at the Circulation Desk for one week.

5. After an item has been in circulation for two weeks, it may be recalled at the request of another patron. The recall notice will allow one week for the return of an item to the Library. Items needed for course reserve will be recalled by the Library immediately.

6. All materials should be returned to the Circulation Desk. When the Library is closed, books may be deposited in the book return located on the east wall, right of the front entrance. Please do not place media materials in the book return as these materials are easily damaged.

7. A reminder listing overdue items may be sent to the patron when items are not returned by the due date. Library patrons who return all the listed items within the grace period will not be subject to overdue fines.

8. General circulating items not returned by the end of the grace period are assessed a fine of $0.25 per day from the due date. Overdue reserve materials will incur an immediate fine of $2 per day. Certain types of materials will have higher fines. All media materials except reserves and laptops circulate for one week with no grace period. Fines: cassettes, compact data discs, compact discs, diskettes, kits, overlays, phono disks, models, slides, tests, videocassettes - $0.25 per day; video players - $10 per day. Fines and Fees are subject to change - please see Library Website.

9. All patrons are responsible for replacement fees for lost or non-returned items. Charges will be based on an average price for the item plus a $10 processing fee. Refunds for materials returned to the Library after replacement charges have been paid are given only if the item has not been replaced or withdrawn from the collection. Fines and Fees are subject to change - please see the Library Website.

10. Unpaid fines or an excessive number of overdues will result in a loss of borrowing privileges. Unresolved charges will be turned over to the Revenue Office for collection resulting in a block on future class registrations and transcript requests.

11. The Library uses an electronic security system, which detects any materials that are not checked out. Individuals who attempt to leave the Library with materials that have not been checked out from the Library are automatically referred to the University Police.

12.  Please refer to http://mansfield.libguides.com/content.php?pid=269190&sid=2221928 Library Information, for a more detailed list of Library Operations and Policies/Guidelines as changes occur.

Food, beverage, and tobacco products may not be used in the Library.

MU Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (MCEL)

The Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (MCEL) provides non-credit experiences and learning opportunities to students and community members interested in new venture creation. MCEL produces a series of events including lectures, workshops, meetings with area entrepreneurs, and projects designed to encourage entrepreneurial knowledge and action. Working closely with the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization of Mansfield, MCEL provides opportunities for students to learn how to start a new business venture and participate in business plan competitions.

Online Courses/Programs

Mansfield University also offers the convenience and flexibility of taking online courses/programs at the undergraduate and graduate level.  To learn more about online courses, visit our website at http://online.mansfield.edu.

Some online courses may require synchronous discussion boards or other synchronous assignments.  Students registered for an online course should visit the website http://online.mansfield.edu for critical information, resources available, and directions relative to responsibilities in taking a course online at Mansfield University.

Online Non-Credit Courses

Mansfield University now offers Non-Credit courses online through Gatlin Education Services and ed2go. These programs are asynchronous web-based courses which means that there is no commuting to classrooms, and graduate students participate in the class when it is convenient for the them.

Career Training Programs offer coursework in a specific field of study. Following the completion of select programs, participants are prepared and eligible to sit for professional certification exams. The eLearning Center provides participants the ability to develop a specific skill or competency through Non-Credit courses to further a student’s personal or professional development. Ed2go also offers six week online short courses which are facilitated by instructors.

Please visit the website at http://online.mansfield.edu to browse a complete list of courses which are available online.


  • Program Variance
    Under special circumstances, curriculum requirements may be modified. A department chairperson may substitute or waive course requirements by informing the Registrar’s Office in writing of the requested program change. Graduate students may petition the Associate Provost and Dean of Education, Professional & Graduate Studies for other program variances.
  • Waiver of University Policies or Regulations 
    For exceptions of University policy, students may petition the office of the Associate Provost and Dean of Education, Professional & Graduate Studies. Graduate students should contact the program advisor for assistance in preparation of a petition. Petitions are available online at http://registrar.mansfield.edu/.

Repeating a Course Policy

Students are limited to a total of two course repeats with a limit of one repeat for any specific course. The most recent grade (regardless of whether it is higher or lower) will be the grade used for the GPA calculation. Previous grades for repeated courses will appear on the transcript. If a student intends to repeat a course, they must complete the repeat a course form available online at http://esd.mansfield.edu/registrar/forms/.


A graduate student, is classified as a Pennsylvania resident for tuition purposes if she/he has a Pennsylvania domicile. Domicile is the place where the graduate student intends to and does permanently reside. Because the determination of whether a graduate student intends to reside indefinitely in Pennsylvania is subjective, documentary evidence, statements from disinterested persons, and the presumptions set forth below are considered:

1. Continuous residence in Pennsylvania for a period of 12 months prior to registration as a graduate student at an institution of higher education in Pennsylvania creates a presumption of domicile. A graduate student is presumed not to be a domiciliary if she/he has resided for a shorter period before attending an institution of higher education, but the graduate student may rebut this presumption by clear and convincing evidence.

2. Graduate students who are not United States citizens and have nonimmigrant visas or lack a visa are presumed not to be domiciled in Pennsylvania, but may rebut this presumption by clear and convincing evidence.

3. It is presumed a minor will have the domicile of the parent(s) or guardian(s). The age of majority for establishing a domicile for tuition purposes is 22. However, a minor may prove financial emancipation and thereby prove Pennsylvania domicile through clear and convincing evidence.

4. A United States government employee or a member of the armed forces who was domiciled in Pennsylvania immediately preceding entry into government service and who has continuously maintained Pennsylvania as the declared legal residence shall be presumed to have a Pennsylvania domicile. Nonresidents stationed in Pennsylvania for military service shall be deemed Pennsylvania residents.

5. A graduate student receiving a scholarship, loan or grant, dependent upon maintaining domicile in a state other than Pennsylvania, is presumed to be domiciled in the state from which financial aid is received.

A graduate student may challenge her/his residence classification by submitting a written appeal to the controller. If the graduate student is not satisfied, the decision may be appealed in writing to the Office of the Chancellor, State System of Higher Education, within 30 days. The decision of the Chancellor is considered final. The effective date of any reclassification, resulting from the student’s challenge, is determined by the controller based on when the petition was filed. A graduate student who changes domicile from Pennsylvania to another state must promptly give written notice to the university.

For additional information on determining residency status and procedures, please visit the website http://mansfield.edu/controller/residency.

Summer School

The Summer School program is designed to meet the needs of a variety of students. A wide range of educational opportunities include credit courses for undergraduate, non-degree and graduate students as well as workshops, Act 48, travel abroad credit and non-credit courses, and seminars in the liberal arts, teacher education, and other fields of study. Summer courses include a vast array of online courses as well as traditional in-classroom experiences. Graduate students can visit the website at http://mansfield.edu/summer/ to view online and on campus courses.

Continuing university students, including new students, who wish to accelerate their program of study will find both general education and other courses in a variety of academic disciplines. Students from other colleges and universities may take courses through Mansfield University. Students are advised to first ensure that the home institution will transfer credits earned.

Teachers and graduate students will find courses in the summer program to serve a variety of needs. Students may enroll to complete requirements for permanent certification, take refresher courses in a field of specialization, earn certification in a new field, or take academic coursework to meet ACT 48 requirements.

The policy regarding the number of credits for which a student may register during the summer sessions at Mansfield University is as follows: Students may not take more than six credits during either session (SU or SF), or more than 12 credits across the summer without the approval of the Associate Provost and Dean for Education, Professional & Graduate Studies or the Associate Provost and Dean of Arts & Sciences. The Registrar’s Office will monitor the number of credits registered to enforce this policy. The student will be contacted to rearrange the summer schedule.

Teacher Certification Programs

The Teacher Education Unit prepares caring, knowledgeable, and effective elementary, secondary, music, art, and special education teachers, as well as reading specialists and school librarians. The Unit expects candidates and graduates to adhere to the Pennsylvania Code of Professional Practice and Conduct. Mansfield University teacher education programs have been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education under Chapter 354 and Chapter 49 regulations. Programs within the Unit are nationally recognized by many different professional organizations.

Two advanced, added certification degrees are offered on the graduate level through the Education and Special Education Department — Master of Education, Special Education Certification Concentration and Master of Science, Education with Reading Specialist Concentration. An advanced, added certification degree for students seeking Pennsylvania K-12 certification as school librarians is offered through the School Library and Information Technologies Department. The Education and Special Education Department offers courses that lead to initial certification on the undergraduate level only (see Undergraduate catalog http://catalog.mansfield.edu/).

The Teacher Education Unit is responsible for all teacher certification programs at Mansfield University regardless of the department that houses the program. The Unit is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) at both the initial and advanced levels. The Teacher Education Unit’s theme is “Teacher as Reflective Decision Maker.” Reflective decision making requires thinking skills and dispositions. The conceptual framework for initial programs incorporates Charlotte Danielson’s (2009) Framework for Effective Teaching. This framework centers on four domains or areas of teaching responsibility: Planning and Preparation, The Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. In advanced level programs, graduate students gain specialized knowledge, skills, and dispositions that build upon the professional foundations and abilities that were developed in the initial teacher preparation programs. Advanced programs are designed to meet the standards of state, national, and international professional associations. 

The Teacher Education Unit Mission

It is the primary mission of the teacher education unit at Mansfield University to prepare educators to serve the region, the Commonwealth, and the nation. Our graduates will be able to make reflective decisions that are grounded in accepted theory, research, and practice. These decisions will enable the teacher to adapt instruction to individual student differences and to changing conditions within schools and society.

Transcript Requests

Official transcripts of courses taken at Mansfield University are prepared by the Registrar’s Office and issued according to the following policies:

  1. Students’ records are confidential. Transcripts, therefore, are issued only at the written request of the student. Requests by telephone are not accepted.
  2. Transcripts can be requested at https://iwantmytranscript.com/   mansfield
  3. No transcript is issued to or for a student who is indebted to the university until the debt has been paid in full.
  4. Official transcripts of credit (s) earned at other institutions that have been presented for admission and evaluation become part of the graduate student’s permanent record in the Registrar’s Office and cannot be reissued or copied for distribution.
  5. Official transcripts issued directly to the graduate student will only be released in a signed, sealed, embossed envelope. The envelope will bear the statement that if opened the transcript should be considered unofficial and the integrity of the document is not guaranteed by Mansfield University.
  6. Unofficial transcripts (student copy) contain the same information as an official, but do not bear the authorized signature or seal of the university.
  7. There is an $8.00 transcript fee. 


Transferring Credits


Mansfield University may accept a maximum of six (6) credit hours in transfer from a regionally accredited college/university if the courses:

1.      would have been counted toward a graduate degree from the sponsoring institution.
2.      are appropriate at Mansfield University as determined by the department offering the degree program and the grades are B or better (if the previous school awarded a “P” grade, and this is verified as equal to a B or better, then it will be accepted).
3.      were taken within a seven year (five year for The School Library and Information Technologies and Nursing programs) time period prior to admission.
4.      are included on an official graduate transcript received by Mansfield University.

A graduate student should contact the program advisor to determine whether or not the transfer credit will meet program requirements.

A “Request to Transfer Graduate Credit(s)” form can be obtained online at http://admissions.mansfield.edu/media/files/Request%20to%20transfer%20graduate%20credit%28s%29.pdf.

The University Calendar

The regular academic calendar consists of a fall semester that ends before Christmas and a spring semester that ends in early May. Mansfield University also offers two summer sessions from May to August. Winter session is scheduled from December 18, 2012, through January 14, 2013.

Withdrawal from a Course

After the drop period, students may withdraw from a semester course until 4 p.m. on the Friday of the tenth week of classes.  For summer withdrawal dates, please refer to the Registrar’s Office website. Graduate students must complete a course withdrawal form and have it signed by the course instructor. Once the form has the required signature, the form should be submitted to the Registrar’s office. A “W” will be recorded in the permanent record and will not be included when calculating the grade point average (GPA). A graduate student who withdraws from all courses is automatically withdrawn from the University.